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  • Will I be pressured to join or convert?
    We do try to be friendly. We do not ask visitors to join our congregation right away. We believe that you should take the time to see whether we are a good fit and to consider our covenant. Membership conveys certain privileges, such as voting rights, and responsibilities, such as involvement and financial support, but there are a number of congregants who are very active in the life of our community but who have never signed the membership book.
  • Will I be welcome?
    Yes, absolutely! We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person and in acceptance of one another and encouragement of the spiritual growth of all. We have members who are rich and poor, black and white, young and old, heterosexual, and gay. Our members come from many different occupations, cultural heritages, and religious backgrounds. Some families embrace more than one religion and specifically choose our congregation because we honor and celebrate many religious traditions. Within our membership are agnostics, atheists, humanists, theists, Buddhists, and people who follow the earth-based religions. We give people a safe place to explore and grow spiritually, wherever they start from and wherever they journey. We provide religious education for their children, teaching them how to make informed and ethical choices. We provide a larger forum for making a difference in the world through social action. And we provide a vibrant social community.
  • What should I wear?
    Please wear whatever makes you comfortable. Men generally wear casual pants and sometimes jeans. Ties are rarely seen. Women wear dresses/skirts or pants. Children should wear comfortable clothes, such as jeans and sneakers.
  • Where do I park?
    There are clearly marked signs indicating visitor parking spaces directly in front of our building on Sunset Avenue.
  • What happens during the Sunday Service?
    When you enter our building you will be welcomed by greeters who will give you an order of service and who will direct you to the welcome table where you may ask questions and pick up informational brochures. UU services reflect our Protestant heritage. The chancel (altar) is at the front, and the congregation sits in comfortable chairs, facing the pulpit. When you enter the sanctuary, you may find people in silent reflection or talking to nearby friends. The typical service begins with a musical prelude, followed by announcements and the lighting of our chalice. This is usually followed by the congregation singing a hymn, and a meditation or prayer. This is followed by Joys and Concerns, where life experiences which have touched the lives of congregational members are shared. There is usually a reading related to the sermon topic, followed by the offertory. The homily or presentation, takes up most of the remainder of the service. After a final hymn or musical interlude, a benediction is read and our chalice is extinguished. At this time we welcome visitors, and you will be invited to stand and introduce yourself if you are comfortable doing so.
  • Can I bring my children?
    Both you and your children are very welcome. Our religious education program is often why people first come here. Its goal is to "inspire and nurture our children's spiritual and personal growth while teaching and modeling our shared Unitarian Universalist values." If you would like your children to attend, it is helpful to come a half-hour before the service and meet with our Faith Development Coordinator. We also provide free childcare for infants and toddler during the service. Children are also welcome to stay with their parents in the Sanctuary.
  • What are the sermons like?
    Our sermons may be unlike what you grew up with, since we don't try to tell anyone exactly what to think or do. They strive to offer personal and thought-provoking ideas on a topic so that you can determine your own beliefs about it. Sermons are offered by our minister, church members, or expert guests.
  • What happens after the service?
    Immediately after leaving the service most attendees congregate in our Fellowship Hall for coffee, snacks and conversation. This is a great opportunity to meet others. If you introduced yourself during the Welcome to Visitors part of our service, you will be approached and welcomed by a number of people. Occasionally, there might be a presentation after everyone has a chance to get coffee, or a pot luck meal.
  • When does the Sunday Service start?
    The service begins at 10:00am. For your first visit, we recommend you arrive by 9:45am to give you time to visit our welcome and information table. The service usually lasts around 60 minutes, followed by a social hour in our Fellowship Hall.

Granite Peak UU Congregation

882 Sunset Avenue, Prescott, Arizona 86305  |  |  Tel: 928-541-0000

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©2025 by Granite Peak UU Congregation.

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