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Adult Faith Development

Our AFD program provides opportunities for adults to be challenged educationally and spiritually around issues related to the UU Principles and Purposes.


Throughout the year we sponsor forums, courses and workshops that meaningfully connect adults to both Granite Peak and Unitarian Universalism. These offerings take advantage of curricula developed by the UUA and others and also locally designed courses and involve a number of different instructors and facilitators.


Most sessions are in person one of the congregational buildings although some may be presented by Zoom.


For more information about our Adult Faith Development program or to request or offer a program, contact Mary Ann Clark,


2023-24 Programs
Nuts and Bolts for Leadership presented by the Leadership Development Committee
October 7, 9-noon in the Faith Development Building

Where is the defibrillator located and how would I use it? How do I set up a Zoom meeting? How do I find documents on Google Drive? How do I get on the GPUUC Wi-Fi? Do I need to reserve a room to hold a meeting … and how do I do that? How should my committee work with the Board of Trustees? How do I re-set a blown fuse in the kitchen? Who do I call if I find a water leak in the building?  etc. etc. 

Members of the Leadership Development will discuss these points and more on Saturday, October 7 from 9 to noon. Session will include a guided tour of our buildings with an emphasis on where things are and how they work. We’ll also go over the building layout, good meeting planning, working with Tracy on room reservations, and more. Bring your questions. 


Committee chairs and other leaders are especially invited but all members and friends of the congregation are welcome. We want to help you feel comfortable with the nuts and bolts of the congregation’s space and how things work to facilitate your roles as leaders.


The Future of Us 
October 18, 2-4 pm in the GPUUC Sanctuary

UUJAZ is bringing The Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto to Prescott for a fund-raiser on Wednesday October 18, from 2-4 at Granite Peak (w PUUF). 


Rev. Julián will talk on The Future of Us, a poetry reading, and book launch. The Rev. Julián Jamaica Soto is a Unitarian Universalist minister, and activist for racial, trans/queer, and disability justice. They wrote Spilling the Light: Meditations on Hope and Resilience in 2019, which quickly became a favorite source for chalice lightings, meditations, poems, and prayers for UUs across the world, and is heading towards its 5th printing. Rev. Soto has served on the Journey Towards Wholeness Transformation Team, the Presidential Search Committee, the Creative Council at enfleshed, and as Interim Senior Associate for Justice Education at the UU College of Social Justice. They have worked in parish ministry, interim ministry, and hospital chaplaincy with veterans, and their public theology practice has truly made them a "Minister's Minister," beloved by religious professionals. Soto lives in the Pacific Northwest, and seeks to serve the mission and values of Unitarian Universalism, along with the healing of the world.


This fundraiser supports the work of Unitarian Universalist Justice Arizona (UUJAZ), engaging UUs in Arizona in social change, putting our values into action.

Register at by October 1 to reserve your copy of The Future of Us.


OWL (Our Whole Lives) Sexuality for Seniors
October 25, November 1, 8, 15, and 29

[Bev and Robert should be sending you a blub for here]


Introduction to Buddhism Series
November 3, 10, 17 from 9:30 to 11:30 in the Faith Development Building.

Jon Erickson will again offer his Introduction to Buddhism Series. Pre-registration is required. You may pre-register by contacting Jon at optional text is Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction (2013 Edition) by Damien Keown. It is available on (as either a paperback, kindle or audio book) or through the Peregrine Bookstore. (The font size of the Kindle version is larger and much easier to read.) We plan to explore and discuss a variety of key Buddhist concepts.


Outlines of the three sessions:


Each session will include some meditation/relaxation practice.



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